Contact Us

You have more questions about the H.I.S. Weekend Training or community?
Any questions and inquiries will be send to our information contact. Feel free to send a question or message below.

H.I.S. Weekend

H.I.S. Weekend
P.O. Box 77
Woodland Hills, CA 91365

818-518-3850 Phone
888-589-2497 Fax

Cultural Awareness

We welcome a diverse culture for both, the men participants and the men and women on staff. Culture can be defined as the shared experiences of people, including their languages, values, customs, beliefs, and more. It also includes worldviews, ways of knowing, and ways of communicating. Culturally significant factors encompass, but are not limited to, race/ethnicity, religion, social class, language, disability, sexual orientation, age, and gender identity. Contextual dimensions such as geographic region and socioeconomic circumstances are also essential to shaping culture.